Hosted by the MA Legislative Manufacturing Caucus, the 3rd Annual Manufacturing Awards Ceremony took place on Tuesday, October 30th at the Massachusetts State House in Boston, MA. A team from Metamagnetics was in attendance to accept the award on behalf of the company.
Formed in August 2014, the Manufacturing Caucus includes more than 60 legislators from around the state. Lawmakers focus on training for manufacturing employees; encouraging innovation by helping start-ups access resources; and expanding education and apprenticeship opportunities in key manufacturing sectors. The goal of the caucus is to increase Massachusetts’ competitiveness in manufacturing by providing legislative support. The caucus is focused on expanding opportunities in vocational high schools and community colleges to combat the skills gap.
Keynote speakers included House Speaker Robert DeLeo, Senate President Karen Spilka and Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash. Metamagnetics was among 59 recipients of the Manufacturing of the Year awards. The Manufacturing Award categories consisted of Workforce and Jobs, Education, Sustainability, Products, and, Innovation.